* @module context
import { readFileSync, existsSync } from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import YAML from 'yaml';
import util from './util.js';
import logger from './logger.js';
import config from './config.js';
import { Meta, LocalPage } from './models/index.js';
const MKDOCS_YML = 'mkdocs.yml';
const README_MD = 'README.md';
* Loads an parses the 'mkdocs.yml' file
* @param {string} basePath - the basepath to look for 'mkdocs.yml'
* @returns {object} with nav, repo_url, site_name attributes
function loadConfig(basePath) {
const mkDocsFile = path.resolve(basePath, MKDOCS_YML);
const yml = readFileSync(mkDocsFile, 'utf8');
const json = YAML.parse(yml);
const { nav, repo_url, site_name } = json;
if (!Array.isArray(nav)) {
throw new Error(`nav is missing from your ${MKDOCS_YML} file`);
if (typeof repo_url !== 'string' || repo_url.trim().length === 0) {
throw new Error(`repo_url is missing from your ${MKDOCS_YML} file`);
return { nav, repo_url, site_name };
* Recursively traverses the `nav` object and adds `LocalPage`s to `pages` array
* @param {string} repo_url - repo_url from 'mkdocs.yml'
* @param {*} nav - nav object from 'mkdocs.yml'
* @param {*} basePath - the basepath to resolve files
* @param {Array<LocalPage>} pages
* @returns {Array<LocalPage>} The array with all pages from `nav`
function traverse(repo_url, nav, basePath, pages = []) {
nav.forEach((item) => {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
throw new Error(`No title for ${item}`);
const pageTitle = Object.keys(item)[0];
const pagePath = Object.values(item)[0];
if (Array.isArray(pagePath)) {
traverse(repo_url, pagePath, basePath, pages);
} else {
const page = getPage(repo_url, pageTitle, path.resolve(basePath, 'docs', pagePath));
if (page) {
return pages;
* Creates `LocalPage` instances from the parameters
* @param {string} repo_url - Repository url
* @param {string} title - Page title
* @param {string} pagePath - Page path
* @param {string} titlePrefix - Page title prefix
* @returns {LocalPage} The page created from the parameters
function getPage(repo_url, title, pagePath, titlePrefix = config.confluence.titlePrefix) {
const safe = pagePath.startsWith(process.cwd());
const exists = safe && existsSync(pagePath);
const relPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), pagePath);
if (!exists) {
logger.warn(`Page "${title}" not found at "${relPath}"`);
const sha = util.fileHash(pagePath);
const prefixedTitle = `${titlePrefix} ${title}`.trim();
return new LocalPage(prefixedTitle, new Meta(repo_url, relPath, sha));
* Create a context object with all information needed for the sync
* @param {string} basePath - Base path to resolve files
* @returns {object} The context object
function getContext(basePath = '.') {
const { nav, repo_url, site_name } = loadConfig(basePath);
const pages = traverse(repo_url, nav, basePath);
const readMe = getPage(repo_url, site_name, path.resolve(basePath, README_MD), '');
const pageRefs = pages.reduce((obj, page) => {
obj[page.meta.path] = page.title;
return obj;
}, readMe ? { [readMe.meta.path]: readMe.title } : {});
const context = { siteName: site_name, repo: repo_url, pages, pageRefs };
if (readMe) {
context.readMe = readMe;
if (logger.isDebug()) {
logger.debug(`Context:\n${JSON.stringify(context, null, 2)}`);
return context;
export default { getContext };