
Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. getPostgresPool
    2. withPostgresTransaction

Orka is using pg.


pg is an optional dependency. In order to enable it install the dependency first:

npm i pg

It will connect to postgres automatically if a connection url is given.


POSTGRES_URL={url} node app.js



module.exports = {
  postgres: {
    url: 'postgres://localhost:5432/orka_development',
    // default values used below. Only include them to overwrite them
    poolSize: 50,
    useSsl: true,
    idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
    connectionTimeoutMillis: 0,
    statementTimeout: undefined, // default is no timeout
    queryTimeout: undefined // default is no timeout
    sslConfig: {
      rejectUnauthorized: false,
      ca: '',
      cert: '',
      key: '',

If don’t need to support ssl


module.exports = {
  postgres: {
    url: 'postgres://localhost:5432/orka_development',
    useSsl: false

For more information about ssl support look at node-postgres docs.


You can call getPostgresPool to acquire a new client to communicate with the database.

If you choose to run client = await pool.connect() you should ALWAYS release the client using client.release() after finishing your operations.

const { getPostgresPool } = require('@workablehr/orka');

const client = await getPostgresPool().connect();
try {
  const res = await client.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1', [1]);
} finally {
  // Make sure to release the client before any error handling,
  // just in case the error handling itself throws an error.

Alternatively, you can use pool.query for single queries.

const { getPostgresPool } = require('@workablehr/orka');

const pool = getPostgresPool();
const results = await pool.query('SELECT NOW() as now');


Orka also provides a transaction wrapper that handles begin, commit & rollback of a transaction if something fails. In addition, it releases the client uppon completion

const { withPostgresTransaction } = require('@workablehr/orka');

const callback = async c => {
  await c.query('INSERT INTO users VALUES(1, "orka user")');
  await c.query('INSERT INTO memberships VALUES(1, 1, 3)');

await withPostgresTransaction(callback);