
Table of contents

  1. Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch (method middleware)
  2. Policy
  3. Prefix
  4. Star Symbol

Orka is using fast-koa-router to support routing.

A routes example:

const { getLogger } = require('@workablehr/orka');

module.exports = {
  get: {
    '/api/v1/:key': [async (ctx, next) => (ctx.body = 'ok')],
    '/*': async function (ctx, next) {
      ctx.body = 'Nothing here';
      ctx.status = 404;
  post: {
    '/test': async (ctx, next) => (ctx.body = 'ok')
  policy: {
    '/api': async (ctx, next) => {
      if (ctx.request.query.secret_key === 'success') {
        return await next();
      throw { status: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' };
  prefix: {
    '/api': async (ctx, next) => {
      await next();
      ctx.body = ctx.body + ' changed by prefix';

Of course adding middleware logic inside routes file is not suggested. They are added here to highlight that they are simple koa2 middleware. Instead group your routes in controllers under app/controlelrs and import them in routes to use them.

Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch (method middleware)

Each key can contain one or multiple koa compatible middlewares. The order they are called is preserved. In every http request one route is matched and only it’s middlewares are used. Policies are matched and run before any method middleware however.


Used to add a generic authentication/authorization middleware to a route regardless of method. You need to call next in order for method middleware to run. There could be no method middleware matching


Used to add in multiple routes some middleware in their beggining. It differs from policies because prefix will not match a route if a matching get,post,put,patch or delete route does not exist.

Star Symbol

Sometimes you need to have a fallback if no route matches with the requested url. You can have routes that end with a star.

For more details please refer to the documentation of fast-koa-router